FDL Reporter Online
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Written by Coleen Kottke
October 25, 2011
JUNEAU, WI -- Dodge County Sheriff Todd Nehls is interested in revamping the Dodge County Sheriff's Office website so that those on bond can have their bail bond conditions posted online.
According to Nehls, the link on the website would help inform the public about bond conditions and would give the public a chance to report anyone who is violating bond conditions.
Nehls notes that his office regularly receives public complaints about defendants violating bond conditions, but few people file reports with the police. He believes that an online link would make it easier to ensure that defendants, who are required to abstain from alcohol, driving, or have other bond conditions, actually do conform to those conditions or face consequences. | READ MORE
RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue will let an omnibus bill become law without her signature despite concerns about a provision that changes how bail bond agents can seek to get their money back through state courts, her office said Friday.
The Republican-led Legislature approved largely on party lines the omnibus bill that cleaned up other measures that became law this year. But it also contained a section that would make it easier for the state's bail bondsmen to recover money if a defendant skips court.